Meet the Team



I am committed to accompanying men on their journey as they confront feelings of shame, guilt, and insecurity stemming from their compulsive and addictive behaviors. My unwavering determination is focused on guiding this underserved population towards discovering direction and purpose in their lives.

I possess a fervent dedication to working with men, their partners and their families, fostering the development of essential skills necessary to navigate the complexities of addiction. Recognizing addiction as a family disease, our approach extends support and guidance to every member of the family unit.

I pledge to each individual I work with my unwavering commitment to honesty, directness, and consistency. By establishing a foundation of truth and transparency in the recovery process, we significantly enhance the chances of success for those grappling with addiction

Specialized Training

Why "Phasezero"?

At our practice, we understand that change is a process that unfolds in phases. Our clients seek our expertise because they recognize that their struggles lie at the foundational level. They are not merely at Phase 1 of change; they are at PhaseZero, the critical starting point where transformation begins.

We are dedicated to empowering masculinity in our clients, guiding them towards becoming men of integrity. Our approach is characterized by fearless, direct, and honest communication, seamlessly integrated into our therapeutic strategies. We spare no effort in confronting the formidable challenge of addiction head-on, with unwavering determination